Prioritize your health at molecular level with our functional medicine therapist.


The human body is an impeccable self-healing machine naturally equipped with innate restorative abilities. When we provide our systems with the proper support, we are able to function at peak performance and organically repair our physiological being from the inside out.


What you can experience when working with a Functional Medicine Therapist

There are many benefits of working with a certified Functional Medicine Therapist, including:

+ Find out more about what your body needs in terms of vitamins and minerals

+ Understanding how to eat right for your body and mind
+ Optimizing digestion and sustaining weight loss
+ Improving sleep quality, increasing energy levels and managing stress
+ Experiencing a more empowered, positive mindset
+ Benefiting from a whole body approach to wellness

Next to regular consultations our functional medicine therapist works with bloodwork analysis.

Our therapist analyzes your bloodwork to provide an internal blueprint of what your body needs to function optimally. It includes comprehensive in-depth testing across hematology, life blood analysis and energetically testing vitamins, minerals, stress, hormones, gut and immune system

Other bloodwork, that is more in-depth and more specific is done through our Biovis lab. Together with our therapist you can find out what needs to be tested.

The gut works closely together with the brain, therefor our gut is called the second brain and a very important organ to take care of. It communicates with the central nervous system, linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with the intestines. Stress, emotions and thoughts have a direct affect on our hut health and the entire digestive system.

When you don't take care of your gut health you may experience symptoms like: cramp, pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, but also depression, fatigue, bad sleep, skin issues, mal absorption of vitamins and minerals, hormone issues, immune system problems and neurotransmitter deficiencies. Taking good care of the gut works for the entire body and it's systems.

By doing a feces examination our therapist will analyze the diversity of the bacteria, what kind of bacteria you are missing, if there is any pathogen activity in terms of parasites, bacteria or candida and if the gut membranes are solid and not open. When the membranes are open we will talk about a "leaky gut" which is a trigger for all kinds of auto immune diseases.

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